Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Using your Amazon Author Page

For those starting out on the road to publishing, it is a little known fact that Amazon allows you to create a biography and add a list of books on their author central pages: http://authorcentral.amazon.co.uk (this being the UK page). There you can create an account, add a brief biography about yourself, add photographs, link to your twitter account, add video (of book signings or other events) and add a list of events such as speaking engagements, book signings etc.

If your book is in print and has an ISBN number you can add it to this page. If your book is published for Amazon kindle and you have an Amazon ASIN number then you can also add it to this page. Basically, this is a chance for you to say something about yourself and to bring all your books together in one place. A marketing opportunity that Amazon gives you for free.

You can see my own Author Central page here: Dyfed's Amazon Author Page (or Dyfed's Author page on Amazon.com). Remember, if you add links to this on your blog, your website and use article marketing then this brings in more visitors to your author page and to your list of books.

The page tells potential purchasers about you, making you appear more human and giving a face behind the books. It also links together all your books on the Amazon site so the link on the author name associated with your books has somewhere to go to. This also provides a link that Google and other search engines can find... very good advertising. And if you can add links to your author page that Google and the other search engines index, then they will also index your product pages, ensuring that they are searchable in the search engines.

After all, the more eyeballs that see your products, the more likely someone is to buy it. It's all marketing and advertising and it gives you something to write about when you come to write a book proposal for a physical book.

So, get your Amazon Author Central page written, ensure you add all your books to it then publish the URL in articles, on your blog, in your website and on Twitter so that people and search engines can find you.

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